Monthly Archives: December 2016

“Double Scoop” Pictographs

This site, in Serrano territory in Joshua Tree National Park, was an accidental discovery on our part. We just headed out semi-randomly, on a “Let’s see what’s out there!” quest, and after a while our wandering took us down a narrowing wash lined with uninspiring rock piles. We wondered whether we would end up with a dud of a trip!

As we picked our way past yet another obstacle, enthusiasm waning, a troop of rock climbers came up behind us. I didn’t feel like being surrounded by a gaggle of strangers in the middle of nowhere so I suggested we turn back and walk down a different, larger wash we passed a while back instead.

We waved to the climbers ( who seemed as surprised to find us out there as we were to see them. I guess you always assume – or hope – that you will have nature all to yourself when you step off the beaten path ) and retraced our steps.

That turned out to be a good call. Barely a hundred yards down this new wash we struck pay dirt in a big way!

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“Hidden In View” Pictographs

Sometimes you wander through the desert and find a bounty of pictographs tucked into a small overhang or in a hollow in an otherwise very ordinary looking boulder.

Other times, your heart beats a little faster as you happen upon a magnificent overhanging cliff face and feel sure the jackpot is just ahead … only to find a sparse smattering of tiny elements, if anything!

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